Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome Everyone!!

I would like to start off telling you a little bit about myself (-:
As you may already know, I am from the Grand Rapids,
MI area, and am new to the St. Louis area (Scott Air Force Base)
as of March because I got married to my lovely husband Casey.  
We have two lovely little puppies Reese and Josie,
and they keep us pretty busy.  I have done photography
since 2006 back home. I have done weddings, senior photos,
photos just for fun, business photos, food photos, scenery, 
and many many more!  I have a passion for photography, 
and I feel that you can NEVER take too many photos!
I live on base in Patriots Landing. If you feel I have inspired you 
at all, and would like me to do any photos for you,
your family, or business, please feel free to shoot 
me an email at,
or text/call me at (618) 315-3971.

Thank you for visiting my page, and have a blessed day!